Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Searching made easier

I've just finished adding labels to all of my old posts since I upgraded to the new version of Blogger, so now it should be much easier to find articles that you are interested in.

Firstly you could choose just to view all the retro or modern articles. Then you could just view all the articles of a certain genre, such as rpg. Or you can look at articles about a particular format, e.g. PS2 or Xbox 360. Finally, if you just want to read my reviews, or you'd like to see all of the Hidden Gems articles I wrote as one big collection, you can do that too!

You can find a full list of all the article labels after all the web links on the side bar on the right of the page, and you can also find labels at the end of each article so you can jump to others that may be of interest to you. It should help to enhance the site immensely!

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